Thursday, December 8, 2011

Where is my time?

I have so many ideas but it seems that all my time disappears. During the day, my mind wanders to what I could be doing, how I can be dong what I love to do every day. I think that I get in my own way. I don't know if this is because I don't allow myself the time or if I think it is a lost cause or maybe I am afraid of success. I know that sounds funny but I have seen myself do that. I have this stopper that puts a kabosh on my ideas possibly in fear of failing but if  don't start it then I won't fail. Just the other day I was thinking that I felt as if there was a ship I was supposed to be on and I missed it and it is my own fault. It as if I need to have someone hold me accountable or have to take a class that has assignments that are due. I was turning out the work fairly quickly when that was the case.
So I have said it many times before, I have to get myself out of this rut and get to writing. I am going to work on getting my accountabili-buddy.
Let's get this ship sailing in the right direction, with me on it preferably.