Monday, August 8, 2011

And so it begins....

There are things in life that call to us though at times we choose not to answer. Is it because we are afraid that there might be some hard work ahead or are we worried about failure of not living up to the dream that we created in our mind? Either way, I have always felt like there was a path I was supposed to travel and a destiny on the horizon that I was ignoring or putting off. I look to my childhood for an pattern of habits that might give me a clue as to where I am supposed to head. What did I enjoy doing the most? What did I daydream about? What did I enjoy in high school? The answer is quite simple, writing.
My friends wanted to play with dolls, I wanted to write and perform a play. My friends would gossip and talk about boys, I was trying to figure out how to make this into a good screenplay or novel. We would be on vacation seeing amazing sights and I was thinking what an incredible backdrop this would be for a dramatic scene. The English professor would assign a long essay and I was already formulating the details before the paper was explained. I would sit in movies and get lost in the magic of the story and imagine even grander story-lines.
So there you have it, my mind is always writing a story. I love words and creating a story that was once nothing. I enjoy putting thoughts on paper and having people read them. I am a writer no matter how you look at it. I now stand before you, ready to embark on a journey that will be truly amazing. I hope that you join me on this adventure and that you enjoy the ride.
My goals are to create business literature for companies that helps them to grow and thrive. They have a story to tell and I want to tell it.
I want to write children's books that will encourage kids of all ages to pick up a book and read. I want them to have the joy of getting lost in an another world and seeing what unfolds before them.
My aunt has a story of amazing strength and determination that I am eager to tell.
Do you have a story that needs to be told? We all do and if you are anxious to see your story come alive, please contact me. I will be honored to create your story.

Creatively speaking,


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