Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Power of Social Media

When I graduated from high school, I was sure that I would never speak to or hear from any of the kids that I went to school with. It was bitter sweet because I was ready to move on though I knew these people from the start of my schooling career. After being in college, the thought of some people would spring into my mind. I would wonder how they are doing and what they had been up too since haunting the halls of Villa Park High. Then a funny thing happened, Facebook.  I can now check in on people who I haven't even crossed my mind in ten years. I can see that last night they had a rousing evening of cleaning up the mess that their 3 year old made or that they were tired of their job. Most of the information that we are receiving via social media is mundane, though there are some professions that count on it for the daily survival of the company.
Social Media has become the cheapest, and some would say, most effective form of advertising. Everyday you see someone walking down the street or even in their car, checking their email,  Facebook or Twitter account. There are countless impressions that your marketing pushes are making from forwards or retweets. Some old school business folks are reticent to try social media but they need to be educated on the benefits of these tools. Being in the social media game will show customers that they are up to date and current with the ever changing business world.
I am now working on putting together a Facebook page for my freelance writing business. If your company needs some social media assistance, I can certainly be of assistance.

Creatively speaking,

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