Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Getting Organized

I am beginning to realize what a huge undertaking this is going to be. Part of this blog will be to document my goal of having a successful freelance business and the other will be musing on the trials and tribulations of living out a dream.
Having to start a business from scratch should be daunting, and to be honest, it is. I have attempted to start things until I remind myself that for one to be successful, you need to have your heart into it. For the first time I can actually say that my heart is fully vested in one of my hair brain ideas. I must take a moment to apologize to my husband for all of the crazy things that have popped into my mind, sorry sweetie.
Today I begin putting together samples of my past work for potential customers to see. I will have to coerce my husband to create a webpage for me so I can send those in need of literary assistance to examine my writings. I have begun listening to podcasts regarding the profession of professional blogging and researching books that might be beneficial for me to study to get going in the right direction. I am toying with the idea of taking a class but as we all know those are a bit pricey right now. I may just have to make do with books and webinars.
I also have to research the legal ramifications of being a freelancer and how to protect my work. Figuring out the taxation is also a concern. I know there are some write offs that I can look into seeing as I will be working out of my home office.
So my list continues. Check back for more insight into the start of a new adventure.

Creatively speaking.


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