Sunday, March 3, 2013

Leading up to The Bible

There are several things my Nana always told me not to discuss in public. I’m sorry Nana, but I am feeling compelled to discuss one of the forbidden topics, religion.

As a member of Saddleback Church, we were able to catch a glimpse of the epic mini-series, The Bible from Mark Burnett and his wife Roma Downey. I truly believe this series is going to be life changing for some and a reaffirmation for others who have accepted Jesus into their lives.

I grew up hearing the stories and have been fascinated by these people with extraordinary faith. I couldn't imagine trusting someone so implicitly let alone, someone you couldn't see. I will admit that there are questions  I have in regards to the Bible but that is what makes it so alluring. Who are these people that we have read about? What made them so focused and so trusting.

For the next five weeks, I am going to blog about “The Bible” so I can track my journey to strengthen my faith. Maybe my questions and insights will help someone else in their journey.

In the meantime, God Bless and I look forward to taking this journey.

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