Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Bible Week 2

The story of David and Goliath is one that I remember well from elementary school. I couldn't imagine the fear that must have been in David's heart when he faced this massive man knowing that he had to kill him or die himself. It was a scary story for a youngster but reason, it always gave me a sense of hope. When I was presented with an obstacle, I would remember David being so brave and hoped to draw some strength from that. What I didn't realize is that David eventually became king and fell from grace after murdering his friend and committing adultery. After seeing this, I realized that no matter how badly you fall, if you get back up, and seek forgiveness from the Lord with all your heart, that God will still love you.
I struggle with this idea at times. Though I haven't committed any horrible sins, there are some things in my past that I am not so proud of. I used to go over and over in my head how I shouldn't have done this or shouldn't have said that. I used to think that the hardships in my life were because I committed some horrible sin and God wanted to teach me a lesson. Looking at this way of thinking  is pretty naive and I am slightly embarrassed to admit to it. 
The deeper meaning of David's story is that anyone can be forgiven if they ask for it. Obviously a cursory, "oops, I'm sorry" isn't going to cut it but if you look deep inside and make a honest effort to change things, God will forgive.  
Looking at Sampson's story and how he flirted with disaster until it came back to bite him is also very scary. It took losing God's grace for him to realize the gift that he had been given. After his eyesight was gone, he was able to see clearly he love and the power of the Lord. Many people these days are alike in thinking these days and I will admit that I too have flirted with stepping off the path at times. I think, that God will forgive me if I do this or that  if I ask for forgiveness afterwards. Well if I don't put myself into that situation in the first place, I wouldn't have to ask for forgiveness. Why do people choose to act and not worry about the consequences? Is it because they know that all will be forgiven? After this week's episode, I have been taking a hard look at how I am thinking and moving forward. I want to be able to know that I walked with grace down God's path and not faltered. I am human so I know that I will make mistakes but I hope that I can live a pure life that will be worthy of God.
Dear God, 
Please forgive me for thinking that I can get away with things when You are able to see everything. Please grant me the ability to move down the right path with faith and honor for You. I want to be a good example for my daughter so she will see how to live a life for God. I pray that each day my faith grows more and more. Thank you for being perfect so we have something to model ourselves and have an example of what we need to do to enter God's kingdom for eternity. I also pray that I find ways to bring others to You. There are people in my life that have not accepted You into their lives and that saddens me so very much. Please help me find a way.
In Your name I pray,

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