Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Bible Week One

I have been struggling for a week to try and put my reactions into words. The first episode of The Bible left me speechless. I have started this entry so many times, my backspace bar is going to revolt. When I read stories, I can actually see them in my mind's eye. Now that these stories in the Bible have been brought to life, they have taken on an entirely different context and opened me  up to a whole new understanding of God's word. 
I have always imagined Noah on his ark with the animals and the struggles they must have endured. He built this giant boat at the command of God even though everyone around him was taunting him. I try think of what I would have done had I seen Noah building this ark. I would like to think that I would have offered him something to cool  drink or try to pick his brain as to why he believed God was talking only to him. It pains me to think that there is a possibility that the majority would have swayed me and look at him they way everyone else had. I don't think any of us can have a realistic view of this situation as it so different than today. What can of trial of that magnitude could God present the modern person with? God promised he would never flood the earth but could there be something else? Look at the world around us. Are we pleasing God? We have tyrants killing thousands people, a nation threatening to demolish other nations with the use of nuclear weapons, governments trying to play god, where is the peace? Is this what God wanted from His people? What can we do to reverse this evil? My heart aches from reading the headlines about the suffering of so many. 
Abraham's story brought me to tears for so many reasons. He was ready to sacrifice his child that he longed for because God asked for his obedience. In his heart, Abraham knew that God had a purpose for this request and even with his heart torn apart, he was going to follow through. I remember this story from when I was a child. I tried to put myself in Isaac's place to imagine what I would have done if my father was asked by God to sacrifice me for the greater good. Again, I like to think I would have walked the higher road and understood but in reality, I would have been watching my back for quite awhile. Abraham had the true heart of a servant and even when God's request didn't make sense, he was trusting with all his being. I struggle with this because I don't think I could have made that ultimate sacrifice. Does God know this in my heat? Of course He does and I know that He would not ask such a great task of me. I pray that He does use me and I can prove my faith to Him and to others and be a testament to my faith. It is scary to give the approval for God to control my life and show the path because it may not be easy but if I follow, the promises that God has made makes my heart open to His will. 
Moses has  story that is pretty incredible. He trusted God's word that he had the ability to save his people from slavery. Seeing as though this message came from a talking burning bush, I think I would have believed it too. Moses had this amazing blind faith, he knew God was with him. People are reticent to give their lives to Christ because they can't see him. The world has turned so materialistic that it seems the power of God is taking the backseat for people. It is incredibly disheartening to see the youth of our nation not knowing who God is. Even when I was younger and my friends celebrated Christmas without knowing why, was so frustrating. I would ask them if they knew who Jesus was and why we celebrate his birth, a few of them asked me the story to which I eagerly obliged.
Because it took me so long to write this, I know that The Bible has had amazing ratings. There are people who are tuning in and hearing these stories for the first time. It is thrilling to see that some of the people are learning about Christ and will be living in His glory. I am starting to have hope that maybe, things can turn around in this world. 
Dear Lord, I pray that I will always have the strength to follow Your word. Though I am human and I will stumble, I hope that You grant me the ability to dust myself off and get back on the path. I pray that I will follow my heart as that is where you speak to me and live the mission that You have placed before me. I also hope that I will hear You above all the clutter that is in my mind. I am working to clear my mind and let go of what I can not change and be at peace. I know that there is something amazing in store for my life and I thank you for the love you have given me through my family and friends. I pray that I will walk away from temptation and say yes to what is true. My servant heart is open to You, please use me to make a difference.
In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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